Cooling offBaron-Engel on DeviantArt

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Cooling off



We'll return to Luna and Zecora soon in my Equestria dreamscape, but in the meantime it is Applejack cooling off after a hard day of work on the farm. This scene was a little moment I had in one of my dreams.

In barn area of Sweet Apple Acres there is an open shower where one can take wash off the worse of a day's labor without tracking it into the house. The shower is connected to a cistern on the roof so the water is not heated but during the summer and early autumn that is usually just fine.

So it was that one afternoon during the autumn I was visiting Sweet Apple Acres to make a delivery. I was walking around the farm looking for someone to leave the parcel with when I heard the sound of running water coming from the barn area. Sticking my head around the corner this what I saw. AJ was silently standing under the curtain of water and was letting it carry the dirt and stress from her body and down the drain.

To be continued.
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ColonelYeo's avatar
Applejack is the best. :love:

Seeing her just relaxing like that  after a hard days work is just really calming.