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The Flash Pony Custom DIY Toy



I know that this has been done, but once I saw the Toysmith Ponies, I couldn't help but to get a few and try my hand at making Super Hero ponies! This pony is The Flash! Ok, so he's actually The Flash Pony. I'll give you a few moments to get the giggle to go away. Like the Spectre [link] and Superpony [link] , this one has only one point of articulation. This is also the first to not have cloth goods attached to him. But considering he's a FLASH pony, I might make him a trench coat...

To read more about this custom toy, click the [link] to go to my website.
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600x900px 715.65 KB
© 2012 - 2024 Barnlord
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TheDoodlebags's avatar
If it could have only been based on a possum or sloth figure! This is nice though, well done!