I am a bit of a strange person. I'm a guy who likes guns, but I also like cooking, photography and painting. I enjoy playing most of the Pokémon games and am working through the new Pokémon White version (have Black too!). I'm also a Tarot reader and hope to design my own Tarot deck ... one of these days.
Update: Now playing Pokémon X and Y!
I enjoy a good home-brew beer and/or Scotch whiskey from time to time too.
See my blog at: flagbarnowl.blogspot.com/
I'm also BarnOwl at Psypoke: www.psypokes.com/index.php
And you can find me (as Trogon) on Aeclectic Tarot: www.tarotforum.net/
(the BEST place to learn about and discuss Tarot)
Current Residence: Arizona, USA
Favourite genre of music: Also various
Favourite photographer: Ansel Adams
Favourite style of art: Water color (it's what I work in)
Shell of choice: Cowrie
Skin of choice: My own
Favourite cartoon character: Pikachu
Just wanted to say thank you for the kind Watch ^_^