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Bleach Character Book Unmasked



So I love the poem pages for each volume that Kubo Tite has for Bleach. And I have been able to find a few that have been have translated into English but not all of them by far. So I took it upon myself to make each of the pages of the English translations.

thank you to those that did the translating and scanning.

Official Character Book 3: Unmasked: Ulquiorra Cifer Cover

Bleach belongs to Kubo Tite

check my gallery for all other Bleach poem pages

I do not have an image for volume 36 and so I could not make that page. And so if you have that page or another page that I do not have and would like me to make, please send me the scanned page!
Image size
900x1534px 288.52 KB
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