A Day in the Lifebarid42 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/barid42/art/A-Day-in-the-Life-204881196barid42

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barid42's avatar

A Day in the Life



A changing wallpaper for Linux (tested on Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick). Size is 1366x768 (my desktop)

-copy the file to a directory where it won't bother you
-extract the files
-inside a terminal, cd into the folder that was created with the new files
-run "sh ./install" (without the quotes)

...and that should be it. You should now have a wallpaper that changes throughout the day. The images were borrowed from several online sources, and the xml script was borrowed from the All Day Long animated wallpaper found on gnome-look.org, by Edgar Rene Flores Balcazar.

I hope you enjoy it.
© 2011 - 2024 barid42
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HelloRainClouds's avatar
I still use this, and I found a workaround to get it to work with the modern Ubuntu.

Thank you.