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Finally finished this. Sketched it up in July and have been painting it since mid October; was supposed to be done in January. This started as an entry for a prompt: "Simplicity," where we were supposed to draw what we usually draw, but stripped to its bare bones. The original idea was that I would go with the "portrait facing left" stereotype (this is flipped), of only a head or bust, and just inked, not colored, with some leaves in the BG: [img]
But I didn't finish it on time, so I changed the concept and now it's part of my Celestial Bodies series.

Medium: The Gimp & Wacom Graphire4 tablet
Copyrights: © me (Barananduen)
Image size
750x1000px 581.14 KB
© 2021 - 2025 barananduen
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