Serenitybanjoeskimo on DeviantArt

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November 12, 2005
Complicated but awakens your curiosity doesn't it? Serenity by ~Eibach
Featured by suzi9mm
Suggested by DarkAnubis
banjoeskimo's avatar




Hm, what could this be? Anyone who's been following my TAFE work will probably have some idea, but for those of you who don't... well, bad luck.

I took this today not really sure how it'd come out, but I really liked the result. Named after Serenity, the ship from Joss Whedon's Firefly, because this really, really reminds me of it.

© 2005 Jamie Bosanko All Rights Reserved
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944x701px 481.36 KB
© 2005 - 2025 banjoeskimo
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eNSMOe's avatar
Six Gurtslers crammed under every cooling drive, so that you strain your primary
artery function, and you end up having to recycle secondary exhaust through a bypass
system, just so's you don't end up pumping it though the main atmo feed and asphyxiating the entire crew! Now that's junk.