Textured Marker Brush V.3bananapanik on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/bananapanik/art/Textured-Marker-Brush-V-3-126239197bananapanik

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bananapanik's avatar

Textured Marker Brush V.3


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Here is version 3 of my marker brush. I tweaked it a lot, and added a new texture to it. This will be the final version.

Here are some things you can mess with in the brush settings that might help:

-In textures, increase/decrease the depth.
-Turn on scattering for a cool "watercolor-y splotch" effect.
-Turn on/off airbrushing
-Turn on/off wet edges

Please credit with a link back here if you use it, so that more people can come download and try.

And while I guess I can't MAKE you link me to every piece of art you make with it...(ehehehe....) I REALLY love seeing the pieces make with it!! Thanks :)
Both the brush itself and the texture used to make the brush belong to me. Please credit me if you use them. Thanks.
Made and works in CS2/CS3. I honestly don't know about any other versions of Photoshop or Other programs like GIMP or Sai, as I don't have them. Sorry!
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Barbeedoll's avatar

Thank you so much!!