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Bambs79's avatar

Well, I've been saying I was going to do this for a long time. I've always wanted to do a patron funded page where I could showcase not only tutorials but also original characters, fan art and all sorts of other stuff. And now I have.

So welcome to my very own subs page on deviantArt.

As the intro to my page says, I've been aiming to do tutorials, especially centred around drawing female muscle in a comic style for ages, but in book form. Unfortunately, this is a slow process, double-checking my resources, making sure that I've got things right, etc and trying to organise that into a book is a big job. As such, it's not getting out there quick enough.

But since we're in the digital era now I thought it was about time I got on board too. I can make what I'm doing available digitally in either PDF or JPG form and that way it gets to folks quicker. Who knows, if this is successful enough, over time I might have enough to put into a book?

I was originally going to do this through Patreon but I thought that as most folk who follow me, do so here on DA, that it would be worth giving this a shot first. I know people are more comfortable staying on one platform rather than moving to others, me especially!

I'm new at this so bear with me. At present there's only one tier. But for now that's all I need (I think). I'll continue to update it over the next few days and as regularly as I can after that to make sure that it's worth your time and money. My first deviations are a nude version of my 'Proud' picture and some brand new, fully rendered and annotated tutorial pages, of which there'll be plenty more to come.

Most importantly, I really want to know what subscribers think. Whilst the final say will be at my discretion, I want this page to be for the female muscle fans out there, so all suggestions are welcome.

In short, thank you to those who take a chance on me with this, my gratitude is extremely profound and I'll continue to build on this more and more to meet the demands of the FBB Fan community out there.

Please feel free to comment, get in touch, ask questions, send me a DA note etc and I'll take it all on board and answer as many questions as I can.

Much Love


© 2021 - 2024 Bambs79
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Hand-Sam-Art's avatar

Good Luck with this process and I hope to support you well in the coming year/s!

I especially hope we resume collaborating and commissioning before too long.

Take care and Good luck!