RegenerateBalthaser on DeviantArt

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Balthaser's avatar




"Imagine a world where you can reverse the effects of age, stress and sun. From the leading name in bio-technology comes Regenerate - another breakthrough from the Umbrella Corporation. Regenerate's revolutionary T-cell formula actually brings dead cells back to life. Now, your youthful beauty can last forever. Always consult your doctor before starting treatment. Some side effects may occur.

Regenerate is a registered trademark of the Umbrella Corporation - Our business is life itself"

I wanted to create the T-Virus vial but noticed that alot of Deviants who made it presented it as the T-Virus. How about marketing it as the Regenerate Serum instead?

Modelling was quick. Materials took me some time because I couldn't get the right color for the helix inside. Rendering was hell with scanline *LOL*

The quotation above is the transcript for the Regenerate Serum advertisement in Resident Evil: Apocalypse. Watch the advert here -> [link] (Requires Windows Media Player)

I am just a fan of Resident Evil and this is my fan-art. I did not create the advertisement video. I only made the image above.

Thanks for dropping by ^_^


1280 by 960

Updated with new render. Post processed in Macromedia Fireworks. Can be used as wallpaper!! =)

It looks quite refreshing to drink actually...

Image size
1280x960px 366.74 KB
© 2006 - 2025 Balthaser
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E-Squid's avatar
I was wondering, how did you get that kind of bright white light effect? Because usually if you just drop a bunch of omni lights into a scene, the brightness gets shot way up and it's impossible to see anything, and anything shiny reflects all that light in the form of glare.