Balthasar999's avatar


447 Watchers31 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Varied
  • United States
  • Deviant for 12 years
  • They / Them
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (55)
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~*Separate account for Pony*~

Gonna try to kill two birds with one stone, scratching my fanart itch and doing test runs for various tools and visual elements.
The satisfaction of entertaining a large and ready audience ain't a bad deal either.

Favourite Visual Artist
Anyone who tells me I'm evil for being a straight white guy
Favourite Movies
Porn played in reverse so it looks like people are deciding to just be friends
Favourite TV Shows
That "PEOPLE OF EARTH" countdown thing that was on every channel a while back
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
"Love Shack" as sung by a hobo who thinks no one can hear him behind the loading docks
Favourite Books
That version of the Bible where you open it up and there's just a big rectangle cut out containing a pistol
Favourite Writers
Whoever wrote "You know what needs to be done" on the note taped to the pistol
Favourite Games
Human Chess
Favourite Gaming Platform
Human-scale chess board, 32 easily-kidnapped people
Tools of the Trade
The ol' spit & shine, a little Gold Bond, and that funk in my stride HOLLAAAAAAA
Other Interests
Maintaining nastiness of said funk, fighting kidnapping charges, model train sets (HO-scale ONLY!)
I dunno, but I am.  You should read it: ----->
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Nice to see her back.  I especially liked the nod to her earlier awkward self by having her bashfully say she's sorry she's not a cool monster.  It was a nice setup with her appearing for a second through the trees, earlier, too, since it reads as just a "horror" gag, but then you just have to wonder... But dang - Those Princesses are just too adorable.  Celestia with the cake, and Luna just bein' all... Luna.  But I think that's true of pretty much every character in the show - They all seem to be able to go from awesome to adorable at the flip of a switch, though I think it's most dramatic with the two sky deities. Did anyone else think s
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Just watched the season 3 premier - Good stuff.  I wanna say what I thought about it. I thought it was witty, well-paced, looked *great*, and was filled with lots of clever little incidentals that made it a lot more fun to watch.  The variety of the designs was nice as well, especially the dark pit vs. the light tower, which was then flipped over to once more become a pit. Twilight and Spike got a chance to display a wide range of emotion, Applejack was especially sharp this time around - Normally she's mostly reactive, but here she had a kind of "ironist's" point of view and took the initiative more often - and Pinkie's gags were especiall
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Profile Comments 44

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do u still exist-o
Hey Balth, I never noticed before (because I'm lazy) but you can totally upload all that art you did for me to your account. : o
Oh, thanks man.  I was planning to do it anyway a while ago, and then remembered I should probably ask you, and then forgot about it entirely, but I totally will do so now that I explicitly have your permission.
Lol, great. I wasn't sure if you were ashamed of them or what. xD But yeah I was thinking about adding them to Derpibooru but noticed you didn't have them up for a source link.

So, how you been man? Havent seen you on skype in ages. I spoke with Hoopy fairly recently at least. In case you were wondering we have that collab of ours on hold since we're both still in the thick of other stories. >.>
Haha, I've been good.  Got a bunch of new work that's keeping me pretty busy but I still check into FiMFiction on the reg even if I don't post much.
I KNEW I recognized you from somewhere, then I saw your art.
Word.  Here I am; this is what I do.