[commission] Rouge Sunbakki on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/bakki/art/commission-Rouge-Sun-741292870bakki

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[commission] Rouge Sun


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a commission for :iconjninja15:

Rouge Sun : www.fimfiction.net/story/34744…
"Twilight Sparkle has turned evil and is bent on taking over Equestria for herself, she has already killed Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Princess Celestia, stealing their Elements of Harmony, using the raw power of the Elements to destroy anypony who stands against her path to total domination. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy evaded Twilight's pursuit, with their respective Elements of Harmony in hand. Because of this Twilight enlisted Discord to draw out the two remaining elements by turning all of Equestria into a post-apocalyptic-like wasteland, and when that didn't work, she released all foes she and her friends had previously defeated, including the likes of Queen Chrysalis, The Dazzlings, and Lord Tirek.
Sunset Shimmer, a former student of Celestia's, now works as a smuggler for anyone with good enough cash, all while avoiding rival employers and Twilight's Royal Guards.
Inspired by works such as Star Wars, and Firefly."


other Sunset stuff
Commission: My Past Is Not Today by bakki 

Mature Content

Sunset Shimmer by bakki
  Commission: A true beauty of the three kingdom by bakki  Commission: The Shimmering Queen by bakki CM:The former Emperor's Shimmer by bakki 
Image size
990x1400px 662.65 KB
© 2018 - 2025 bakki
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