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Commission: Random Encounter


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a commission for :iconsfaccountant:


A dragon prince, awakened...

A Princess, in love...

A plot to overthrow the Equestrian diarchy and break the very foundations of equine society...

And an embittered Sorcerer willing to go to any lengths to realize his vision for the future...

Ranma Saotome doesn't care about ANY of that. He's on the wrong world, in the wrong body, and fate seems as determined as ever to drive the world's mightiest martial artist to an early grave. As schemes come unraveled and dark magic tears Equestria apart, all he really wants is to figure out what happened to Japan and keep himself fed.

But, alas, he always seems to be in the wrong place at the right time...


So the characters are Trixie and Ranma from Ranma1/2 :O

another commission by himCommission: Iron within by bakki 
Image size
1400x990px 790.49 KB
© 2015 - 2024 bakki
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NC-TV's avatar

You drew this on one of the best days of my life. Beautiful 🥰💗