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January 18, 2005
Capital Cavern by ~Bakenius

This is one of those pictures that make fantasy and dreams come alive. It has so much depth and details; it depicts one of those places that one would love to run away to if they could.
Featured by voodoo-prophet
Suggested by AniaMohrbacher
Bakenius's avatar

Capital Cavern


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Good day dear fellow Deviants! At last I finished the re-imaging of my old oekaki 'The Tiny Cavern Castle' [link]

The low-tech little castle has been replaced for a high-tech metropolis inhabited by millions of individuals, but yet the structure of the old oekaki basically remains the same. :)

I strongly advise you to look at the full view, since you haven't really seen this piece yet if you judge by the preview, there is a world of detail to get lost in. At least I hope you will all experience it that way. It's all about creating wild and wondrous worlds that look a bit different as the usual sci-fi landscapes look and feel like. I think I succeeded pretty well, well worth my Christmas holiday. ;)

Original oekaki: 400x300 px, Shi-Painter, about an hour of work
Re-imaging: 4500x3375 px, Photoshop 7, about two weeks of work

For the digital painters in the audience: yes, it looks so soft around the edges because I’m such a nutcase that I painted the whole damn thing with the airbrush tool set at a 20% flow. I like the fluffy dreamlike quality that it gives to a piece. Especially when set to a colour theme like this.

Oh well, enjoy! :)

[edit 10-01]

On request here are some of the details in close up (1024x768):

The Capital of Refinement: [link]

The Settlement at the foot of the Swirly Mountains: [link]

Fuchsia Downtown, Westwing: [link]

Fuchsia Downtown, Eastwing: [link]
Image size
1600x1200px 386.24 KB
© 2005 - 2024 Bakenius
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IrisSonata's avatar
I literally just scream "holyyyy f****ccck!" in my head! This is just...stunning! Like, wow.. I just can''s SOOOO pretty! It's like a future city/alien-like place but surrounded my hills/mountains, possibly actually underground but in a snowy area! The you got the main huge city ahead that possibly leads to the outside world where that huge amount of light is coming through!! I just, this is literally breathtaking! I love my fantasy/ sci-fi art but THIS....*sigh* Wow...