The Spirits Returnbakadeshoo on DeviantArt

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bakadeshoo's avatar

The Spirits Return




SO. After a certain period of inactivity during the holidays, I decided that you people deserve better. Lol. So I'm mass-submitting all these fractals I made over the course of the holidays.

I made this one shortly after the new year, and yeah. I don't remember why. I think it was because I was bored. This was probably when I was getting...bored...of being bored...yeah, anyway.

Some of you people might remember my other fractals with an element of spirits in it. So yeah. In here, the gathering is occuring. Lol. Though as I upload this deviation, I realise that adding a dash of other colours here and there would be nice. =)

Also, I've decided from now on, all fractals that I make will be rendered at a quality setting of 4,000 (I can hear the people shouting, "HOLY SH!T" already, LOL). I've looked at some of my old stuff, and thought, Hmm. They'd look better in HQ. So yeah. Thus the more pronounced detail. Furthermore, fractals are now also in FULL HD RESOLUTION "Yay!", i.e. 1980 x 1080 pixels. So enjoy! Though if you want a fractal in a specific resolution, I can do that. I now keep the original .flame files necessary to reproduce the fractal. Just pay me with brownie points. :D

Apophysis 2.09 --- 50 mins (fractal generation)
Paint.NET v3.36 ---- 5 mins (background colour and touch-ups)
Image size
1920x1080px 2.23 MB
© 2010 - 2024 bakadeshoo
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xEmoMuffinx's avatar
Looks like the spirits are flying in from all directions~
King of~