badromanceplz's avatar


30 Watchers2 Deviations
  • United States
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (4)
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
My Bio

Current Residence: Bath Haus of Gaga
Favourite genre of music: Pop
Personal Quote: "I want the deepest, darkest, sickest parts of you that you are afraid to share with anyone.&qu

Favourite Movies
Anything by Alfred Hitchcock
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Lady Gaga
Other Interests
Romance, Horror, Design, Criminals, French


0 min read
Best Parody Ever. has almost 2,200 pageviews. I'm so happity. :icondurrplz:HAVE YOU EVER BEEN HURT SO BADLY, THAT YOU LOVED IT?:iconbadromanceplz:. But :icongagahaaplz: is the best.
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RAH RAH AH AH AH ROMA RO MA MA GAGA OOH LA LA WANT YOUR BAD ROMANCEMade by :devmisty-ketchum123::iconmisty-ketchum123:Ta-Da.
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Profile Comments 259

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:33< *ac purrepares her singing* in one two thr33!
:33 < i stand here waiting fur mew to bang the gong
:33 < to crash the critic saying "is kit right or is it wrong?"
;33 < if only fame had an I.V. kitten could I bear
:33 < being away furrom mew i found the vein put kit in here
:33 < i live for the appaws appaws appaws
:33 < i live for the appaws-paws
:33 < live for the appaws-paws
:33 < live for the way that you ch33r and scream for me
:33 < the appaws appaws appaws

:33 < give me that thing that I love 
:33 < ill turn the lights out!
:33 < put your paws up make them touch touch
:33 < give me that thing that I love 
:33 < ill turn the lights out!
:33 < put your paws up make them touch touch

:33 < A-P-P-A-W-S
:33 < make kit real loud
:33 < A-P-P-A-W-S
:33 < put your paws up make them touch touch
:33 < A-P-P-A-W-S
:33 < make kit real loud
:33 < A-P-P-A-W-S
:33 < put your paws up make them touch touch

:33 < ive overpurred your theory "shipurrings for g33ks"
:33 < i guess sir if you say so some of us just like to newer!
:33 < one second im a shippurr then suddenly the shippurr is me
:33 < cave drawings was in art now arts in cave drawings in me

:33 < i live for the appaws appaws appaws
:33 < i live for the appaws-paws
:33 < live for the appaws-paws
Live for the way that you cheer and scream for me
:33 < the appaws appaws appaws

:33 < give me that thing that I love 
:33 < ill turn the lights out!
:33 < put your paws up make them touch touch
:33 < give me that thing that I love 
:33 < ill turn the lights out!
:33 < put your paws up make them touch touch

:33 < A-P-P-A-W-S
:33 < make kit real loud
:33 < A-P-P-A-W-S
:33 < put your paws up make them touch touch
:33 < A-P-P-A-W-S
:33 < make kit real loud
:33 < A-P-P-A-W-S
:33 < put your paws up make them touch touch

:33 < touch touch
:33 < touch touch meow
:33 < ooh-ooh-ooh-hoo
:33 < ooh-ooh-ooh-hoo
:33 < ooh-ooh-ooh-hoo
:33 < ooh-hoo

:33 < i live for the appaws appaws appaws
:33 < i live for the appaws-paws
:33 < live for the appaws-paws
:33 < live for the way that you ch33r and scream for me
:33 < the appaws appaws appaws

:33 < give me that thing that I love 
:33 < ill turn the lights out!
:33 < put your paws up make them touch touch
:33 < give me that thing that I love 
:33 < ill turn the lights out!
:33 < put your paws up make them touch touch
:33< make kit real loud
:33 < put your paws up make them touch touch 
:33 < make kit real loud
:33 < put your paws up make them touch touch

:33 < S-H-I-P-P-U-R-R-I-N-G
:iconfluttershyyayplz: :iconloveplz: :iconrainbowdashlouderplz:
:iconbadromanceplz: :iconsaysplz: bad romance
Once you start reading this, you cannot turn back.

One day, Laura was surfing the internet. She was just looking at her favorite pages when all of a sudden a new tab opened up. She was confused, since she didn’t click on any link whatsoever. The tab didn’t show anything, just a white screen. When she tried to close the tab, nothing happened. She kept pressing the X to close it, but instead the tab turned to full size. Suddenly, the white screen of the tab turned completely black. It wasn’t only the tab screen that turned black, all the button and everything else on her screen did the same. Even her mouse disappeared off the screen. After a little while, she decided to turn her computer off because she simply thought it was broken. She made a big mistake. Out of nowhere, a full screen picture of her mother appeared on the black screen. As she looked at it, she could see that the pictures eyes slowly started bleeding. The longer she stared at it, the more frightening the picture became, until the picture resembled death itself. The speakers of her computer suddenly let out an extremely loud screaming noise. Laura covered her ears, but it didn’t help a single thing. She tried to leave her room, but the door didn’t budge when she tried to open it. The screaming noise just kept getting louder until it was too much for her…
Laura’s dead body was found later in her room when her dad returned home from his work…

Copy and paste this message 15 other plz accounts in less than 2 hours or you shall have the same fate as Laura did…
:iconbadromanceplz::iconequalsplz:MUST DIE
Y'know, I USED to be a Lady Gaga fan :c