Current Residence: Bay Area, CA
Favourite genre of music: All forms of Rock, Oprah/Metal stuff, chill music.
Favourite photographer: Any that are more than a glorified Snapshot-taker.
Favourite style of art: 2D Digital Art, anything visually interesting and original.
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: Creative Zen
Skin of choice: My Own, sicko...
Favourite cartoon character: Quagmire, though he's gotten creepy post Season 3.
Personal Quote: "No matter where you go, there you are."
Favourite Visual Artist
Salvador Dali
Favourite Movies
Fight Club, Matrix, the 5th Element, Pulp Fiction, Snatch. Lord of the Rings, The Big Lebowski
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Been digging Nightwish right now, and other overly dramatic stuff, but really I listen to everything
Favourite Writers
Chuck Pahlniuk (sp?), Kurt Vonnegut, Tom Robbins, Michael Crichton
Favourite Games
Final Fantasy VII, Halo, WoW, Zelda: A Link to the Past, Toe Jam and Earl, Zack Mckraken
Favourite Gaming Platform
Whichever one my current Favourite game is on, at that time.
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop, Painter, Pencil, Ink, Charcoal Digital Camera
Other Interests
Movies, Video Games, Computers, Occasional Alcohol Overindulgence, Digital Art