BadFish81's avatar


Tyler DeLisle
12 Watchers72 Deviations
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  • United States
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)
My Bio

Current Residence: Bay Area, CA
Favourite genre of music: All forms of Rock, Oprah/Metal stuff, chill music.
Favourite photographer: Any that are more than a glorified Snapshot-taker.
Favourite style of art: 2D Digital Art, anything visually interesting and original.
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: Creative Zen
Skin of choice: My Own, sicko...
Favourite cartoon character: Quagmire, though he's gotten creepy post Season 3.
Personal Quote: "No matter where you go, there you are."

Favourite Visual Artist
Salvador Dali
Favourite Movies
Fight Club, Matrix, the 5th Element, Pulp Fiction, Snatch. Lord of the Rings, The Big Lebowski
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Been digging Nightwish right now, and other overly dramatic stuff, but really I listen to everything
Favourite Writers
Chuck Pahlniuk (sp?), Kurt Vonnegut, Tom Robbins, Michael Crichton
Favourite Games
Final Fantasy VII, Halo, WoW, Zelda: A Link to the Past, Toe Jam and Earl, Zack Mckraken
Favourite Gaming Platform
Whichever one my current Favourite game is on, at that time.
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop, Painter, Pencil, Ink, Charcoal Digital Camera
Other Interests
Movies, Video Games, Computers, Occasional Alcohol Overindulgence, Digital Art
Wow, first time logging into Deviant Art in at least a year, and I can't find my way around at ALL.  So lost.Anyway, not sure why I'm doing a Journal entry since I haven't updated this in 2 years, so I doubt anyone would even stumble across my Deviant Art site.  All of my work has moved from 2D to video, so not really stuff I can update here, and I upgrade to my own portfolio website if I did: http://tydelwave.comNow that I'm getting ready to graduate, and have some free time, I'd love to go back to my roots with Photoshop, have always wanted to do more Digital Painting.  Something I've always known I'd be good at, just haven't had the tim...
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Spring '08

0 min read
Wow, haven't checked in here in a month or two.  Did my last artwork dump at the end of last Semester then had a nice little break, this Semester picked up hard and is still going strong.  I swear every time I think a Semester couldn't possibly get any harder, the next one is about double the work.  I've also got the added pressure now of knowing that every project I work on has to be the best I can do to put on my final Demo Reel.It's great to check back in and have half a dozen comments and +fav's though.  It's cool to know that people are still stumbling upon your artwork among hundreds of thousands on this site and feeling compelled to...
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Well I'm back after a brief hiatus of work and play back on the East Coast.  Moved into San Francisco so that I could better utilize everything the school offers, open labs, swimming pool, gym, screenings, open bar, etc.My schedule might not be as crazy as I first thought.  The VFX class turned out to be an intro Photoshop class, even though I've already taken several advanced Photoshop classes.  The teacher is great though, he created the California Raisins! So I can still learn a lot from him, and I'll just push myself.  Color and Design is more "streamlined" then it used to be, it seems managable, and I'm actually looking forward to lea...
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Profile Comments 11

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hey, thanks for the add!
TAGGED. sorry, Kark made me do it.


Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!)

*dingding* RULES:
1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You can't hug the person more than 3 times
3- You -MUST- hug 6 other people
4- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their user page! c'mon..don't be scared of public displays of affection
5- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
6- You should most definitly get started hugging right away!
Goldie... Is that you?

Neato. That's your significant other, right? Interesting job ya' did, though the pale on the hand looks a bit scary (in an undead sorta way) if you focus on it. Probably because it's as grey as it is. Other than that, it's cool to see you do more photo-manipulation. I wanna' see you just do something totally wacko, like that Ronald thing again. I went back and checked out the arm, and it sure was well done.

Anyhow, I'll probably be around on WoW over break, so look for me. I'm considering not quitting quite yet, though I'd be playing far less often. I donno if I'm willing to shell out the cash for the expansion. <Groans>.

The Wackoness will resume at some point, my inspiration comes in spurts at the moment, I think I may do some more Photoshop painting next.

Cool, I'll see you in WoW at some point then, I'm sure, I only log on in spurts myself, the occasional MC raid once a week, and here and there throughout the week, anything in excess isn't good, remember that mister cigarette/video game crack addict.
Yay, it's Tyler! Good to hear from you dude. :D
egads! you nutty bastard!! howdy doo?! welcome to the club!