HEADACHEbadfinger on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/badfinger/art/HEADACHE-1732332badfinger

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My life is full of pain and fear,
My head aches and nothing is clear.

All I know is HEADACHE.

It began soon as I arived in that town,
I remember only the lord with that dark crown.
HEADACHE is all I can recall,
After the murderous fall.

I wanna die and scream,
It wasn't a dreadfull dream.
Headache is the reality of my life,
I wish I could survive.

The gun is loaded and ready to blow,
I must do it, I wanna go.

I stopped that headache fast,
Silence now for me at last ...
Image size
1024x768px 531.78 KB
© 2003 - 2024 badfinger
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mils7789's avatar
i was really ill with a migraine a few years back and the poem is totally about wat i wanted to do!!! but instead of a town it was my school. can totally relate.
love the pic and the poem :) really good and like the others sed deep and powerful