Save the Internet 2.0 - Sign Petition, Short-Vers.*for those joining in new now to supposedly learn about what to exactly save the internet from and/or not wanting to read the other stuff beforehand, you may skip over until reaching the slogan Save the Internet, again, within same text written exactly as I just did.
Yeah, alright, I realize I overdid it a bit with the previous journal even myself, so for those not wanting to struggle themselves through walls of text, I'm going to provide a short summary regarding the 1st half of same journal's overall events:
1. The overall 'removal' of works on my main page and my parallel account have not been initiated through deviantart, but myself, having crafted together a convincing 'fake' in almost close fascimilie of official DA notifications
2. The reason I've done so was meant to raise overall attention around here both regarding watchers as people in general, make them/you more aware towards a certain 'menace' that happens to threaten us int