Y o l k sBad-Blood on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/bad-blood/art/Y-o-l-k-s-78118255Bad-Blood

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

July 7, 2009
Y o l k s by `bad-blood The suggester said: This is a package with very high quality characterized by the size of the emoticons and their multiple expressions emitting actually a great piece
Featured by JJ-Ying
Suggested by Diors
Bad-Blood's avatar

Y o l k s



hey everyone !

press download to download , or just click here

the first pack of Yolks is out !

in the pack there is 40 emoticon with random expressions and characters,and those listed in the preview are just some of 'em .

the .rar file contains(if you don't have a software to open .rar files , then change the extension from .rar to .zip :

  • folder with 40 emoticon

  • read me file

  • preview image

- Y o l k s for messengers

featured :
pimpmydesk.org : [link]

links :
- Y o l k s - t-shirts, prints, magnets, stickers, buttons, bags and many others
- Y o l k s - 2
- Y o l k s - for messengers
- Y o l k s - mug
- mini Y o l k s

you can make plz accounts out of them if you want .

my favorite is the one with headphones

enjoy :peace::ninja:
© 2008 - 2025 Bad-Blood
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samatict's avatar

Thank you for this! Been a while since I've logged into DeviantArt. Had to look up my old login details just to get this. I appreciate your work.