Whoever wins the returnee challenge
Happy Birthday!!
I am spreading the word that turnabout jackpot final episode is winding down and it will show up in a matter of days and given the comments they made its worth the hype. So peeps place you bets on who the culprit is as it's gonna rock.
Felicia Garnet
Hector Nash
Flint Rockwell
Jack Porter
If your gonna look for things to chart I got things in mind. The first is disadvantage camp it's not done but it has a very interesting cast. There is also Alone it is a history channel show that is amazing as a show. Do you remember the one episode of Regular Show where they guys were up on the Billboard imagine that in form of survivor except completely isolated and you have Alone.
Thank you for the watch.
Happy Birthday! :)
Maybe this time next year, dA will bring back birthday notifications?