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914 Watchers18 Deviations

HAPPY HAPPY New Year for You! by TurquoiseSpark, journal

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Artisan Crafts
  • Germany
  • Deviant for 12 years
  • He / Him
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (248)
My Bio

"But remember, that a kind act can sometimes be as powerful as a sword.”

Origami is one of my hobbies, maybe you´ll like it.

Favourite Visual Artist
Brian Chan
Favourite Movies
Die Hard, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings, Fearless
Favourite TV Shows
Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Walking Dead, Mad Men, Lost, Star Trek, Firefly...
Favourite Books
Die Elfen, Forgotten Realms Novels, The Pillars of the Earth, Song of Ice and Fire
Favourite Writers
Bernhard Hennen, Picoult, Salvatore
Favourite Games
Gothic 2, Thief 3, Monkey Island, --Mario!--
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo 3DS, PC, Wii...
Tools of the Trade
My Hands
Other Interests
Hello out there.I just wanna share some thoughts and feelings, hope that´s ok.Those of you who still take a look from time to time, thank you, and i’m sorry for being that quiet. I´m running low on time, but everything is great. I feel kinda bad because it´s been a long time, 1-2 years.. You all gave me so much energy and something i would call self-belief in times full of desperation, i will not forget. Here are so many kind-hearted people, that´s simply unbelievable, i had so many nice conversations and be sure, i remember most of you. This (dA) is still my secret place, my land of happiness and imagination where i always like to come ba...
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update, sorry

0 min read
Dear Followers, Watchers, Friends,this is a short update, because i know some of you already wondered when i´m going to fold some new origamis and of course what happened with my giveaway. Well, i´ve been busy first and then injured. And now....days ago i´ve been operated on my underarm. I won´t tell you exactly, because maybe it´s disgusting. Anyway, message me if you are really interested or wanna know something. But the worst thing for me is that they´ve operated really close to all those sensitive nerves. My arm (including fingers) feels totally numb. They said most times this stays just a few hours (that few hours are already over)..s...
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Dear Followers, Watchers, Friends,last weeks of my premium membership..:) And i´d like to make something before it´s expiring!Due to the fact that no one has ever become poor by giving, i´m planning to do a Giveaway. Origami Giveaway!Before going into details, i´d like to thank you. You´ve been all really kind to me, also when i felt bad. People i know, but also ones that i haven´t seen before. It means a lot to me. Also for that valentines things, never got something like this before. I´m a bit late, haha- anyway.The Giveaway:How are you able to take part in? You just have to comment this journal and be one of my watcher. Talk, ask, tel...
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Profile Comments 705

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Wow, your works are amazing!! I love origami and your works are so well done, definitely adding you to my watch! :thumbsup:
wow great artworks!
Thank you very much for the Fave :)
Rosa by kmygraphicThank you so much my very lovely friend Andre for favoring my work I appreciate is so much btw I have been wonderful what happened to you it has been so long since I had seen you are you doing okay?

Thank you so much Andre! I'm so sorry about the late reply, I've been so busy lately :S

It's supporters like you who help me realize this dream :hug: thank you so much for all your support, views and comments :)


Your origami is absolutely beautiful! Please keep it up and open a business someday soon!

Howdy, you! I haven't heard or seen anything from you in a while. I hope everything is going well for you, and that you're still making origami. Hopefully, we can see your works again soon. :) 
o and also btw i forgot to ask is your arm doing any better??:(
i really hope  its okay now:heart: