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[Guest Artist] Wallfora: Fruits Basket B [CLOSED]



Juicy, ripe fruity Wallfloras are here! 
Which fruit will you choose?

Check out Batch A as well here:
[Guest Artist] Wallfora: Fruits Basket A [CLOSED] by BabyPippo

Edit; #5 and #6 AB lowered!
Wallflora (CS)
Wallfloras are genderless beings that are vessels for flowers to grow and blossom. These beings thrive by going through Blooming Cycles, where they release and transfer their bloomed floras onto a space that becomes an exclusive portal for them, allowing them to travel between places and worlds. 
Wallfloras are physically characteristed by their distinctive flower halos that begin at each side of their heads and tattoo-like flowers on their skin.

More info: Wallflora [CS]

Species Info

Wallflora (CS) Rarity and Trait sheet by BabyPippo

Pitaya (dragonfruit) x golden spider lily x double coloured asclepias (uncommon)
SB: $40
Min Increment: $5
AB: $160
Payment plan: yes
Owner: ShiroEsuna $60

2)Blood Lemon (hybrid) x Common Poppy x Hellebore (Helleborus X hybridus Harvington Yellow) (uncommon)
Designer:  :iconmomorin69:
SB: $50
Min Increment: $5
AB: $200
Payment plan: yes
Owner: Jequu $75 

3) Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) (uncommon)
Designer: :iconkkromao:
SB: $40
Min Increment: $5
AB: $150
Payment plan: no
Owner: Sketching-Sketch $40 

4) Gossypium hirsutum (Cotton) x Wisteria Sinensis x Blueberry (uncommon)
Designer: :iconmaymorin:
SB: $50
Min Increment: $5
AB: $150
Payment plan: yes
Owner: Marichiiko AB

5) Cerignola Olive (common)
Designer: :iconlinixu:
SB: $40
Min Increment: $5
AB: $150
Payment plan: yes
Owner: Ryakishou $75 

6) Acai (common)
Designer: :icontysunamiwolf:
SB: $65
Min Increment: $5
AB: $150
Payment plan: yes
Owner:  thecuddlepuppy $70

Bid ends 48hrs after last bid or if AB'd. 
Please do not heavily reference, copy/trace or use my designs without permission, thank you!

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Image size
2800x2500px 8.84 MB
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Bid here for 6~!

Acai (common)
Designer: :icontysunamiwolf:
SB: $65
Min Increment: $5
AB: $150
Payment plan: yes