New Stock Packs and other updates

2 min read

Deviation Actions

B-SquaredStock's avatar
New Stock Packs
hey, hey!
So We haven't updated in a bit but Allison and I are very busy with university.  Tonight though, we were able to do quite a bit of stock.  We did three series: Punk School Girl, Bar Wench and (Wo)man in Tights.  Hope you guys like them :)  We had a lot of fun doing this. :ahoy:

We are now open to requests!  Requests can be as detailed or as broad as you feel like.  For model stock there are some limitations due to the availability of costumes but we will try our hardest to fulfill your requests.  Just note us or leave a comment.

Some people have asked us for our stock rules so here they are
1. The rules are really simple and we are nice people so please adhere to the rules that have been set out.
2. You do not need to ask us to use our stock.
3. Credit us in the deviation description.  You can either credit this account or our own art accounts :iconmorgie39: and :iconallykat:
4. Send us a link to your creation through either a note or a comment.
5. If you adhere to these rules, then you may use our stock in prints.  Also you can use our stock outside of DeviantArt but you still have to follow the rules for using our stock.  
6. Feel free to ask us about anything else regarding our stock.  We are happy to answer any questions.

© 2008 - 2024 B-SquaredStock
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CatalystSpark's avatar
(Sent in note instead. Guess who just woke up and forgot that was an option.)