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Azure-Art-Wave's avatar

LIVESTREAMING: Chibi drawings for $15! - OFFLINE



Rainbow Bullet (Outline) - F2U Currently finishing pending requests! (Slots temporarily closed!) Rainbow Bullet (Outline) - F2U

Doing just a tiny amount of slots for now because I want to hopefully finish them within a stream!

Bullet; Green Paypal ONLY and must be paid in USD! It's being done live, so payment must be sent right away!
Bullet; Green I don't usually do cutie marks, but if you'd like them to be included, pls send a separate file of the cm vector!
Bullet; Green Only 1 character per order!
Bullet; Green I am mostly limited to ponies, seaponies and (reformed) changelings at most, and very strictly able to draw draconequus characters depending on the complexity of animal parts. 

Rainbow Bullet (Outline) - F2U Comment down below if interested please! Rainbow Bullet (Outline) - F2U  

More recent examples:
AT: Lionheart by Azure-Art-Wave CP: tired bean by Azure-Art-Wave AT - Astral Haze by Azure-Art-Wave
Image size
1024x1100px 886.64 KB
© 2022 - 2024 Azure-Art-Wave
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BlueDreams420's avatar

Are slots still full or you have room for more?