Fran CompleteAzirik on DeviantArt

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Fran Complete



Francina DePulvie (Fran)

Fran is a RP character in a zombie RP,
White fur, save for two small black patches, one on her left foot and one on her upper left back hip, hair looks a rather blue-white in the sunlight with a bright green bang in front she always brushes aside, Eyes soft powder green. Keeps her hood up most of the time to hide the scar across her face from an auto accident when she was a child. Wears loose-fitting hoodie most of the time and some kind of t-shirt, most commonly wearing loose sweats of baggy pants. And she carries her trusty shovel Mr. Robert V. Worsher, named so after the name written in sharpie on the handle when she found it.
Fran is mostly quiet and in many ways withdrawn, but hates to see people in trouble or hurt, she would help someone only to leave as quickly as able.
She grew up in a less than loving home with her mother who was very easy and had many male "friends" over. When the car accident happened and while Fran was in the hospital her mother commented on how her daughter looked like an horror movie reject, this was heard by Fran.
If asked who her father is/was she would simply say pick any guy in a phone book.
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