Social Skills...Azarian-Rurouni on DeviantArt

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Social Skills...



They have not, this is actually a scene from my own story project known as Elemas, primarly from the 2nd Installment of the story, these are the three big story componant characters, the Azarian. From left to right you have; Rayne, Lumin and Nai.

Nai is so WONDERFULLY fun in Elemas, he's so overly emotional about everything and flys off the handle at the drop of a pin it seems, Rayne is still just a lonly kid whom thinks he's a tough guy but in reality just needs people to be there for him, and Lumin well...he's still flippin gay HAHA! so yeah >.>;

Elemas, characters and art are copyright to Azarian-Rurouni O_-; so no touchies without asking K?
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© 2008 - 2025 Azarian-Rurouni
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Darkhall-Howler's avatar
I think killing some one would definitely get you in trouble Haha :D