Great Day to be a KidAzarian-Rurouni on DeviantArt

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Great Day to be a Kid



Yaay Crappy title But yes another pic for Chrissy...cause it's her B-Day soon and she's been really down in the dumps...Shit with the family, and so forth...I've just felt bad so I'm trying the best I can...So I decided to draw some of her Child Characters as humans ^_^ hope you enjoy it Chrissy.

I love how Meteor Turned out :3 he's so adorable such a simple Outfit yet it just SCREAMS out his personality.

Now my reasoning behind Parke's Dark skin tone, Well I've seen parke undergo all his Progress and Every time he's had very VERY dark fur...Darker then even Kel's so I decided to make him a cute little tan Boy :3 and it really mixes well with the red Hair.

So yeah these three belong to CoolKidCoco AKA Chrissy Tenyeck...Go check out her stuff at


She really needs the support and so yeah..Here's to you chrissy I really hope things come together for you...*hugs tight and Gives a little kiss* So yeah...I'm tired so enough rambling.
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877x544px 156.65 KB
© 2006 - 2025 Azarian-Rurouni
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