AngelinaAzaleaCloud on DeviantArt

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AzaleaCloud's avatar




It's no secret that I do a lot of work for ~lonestranger, but the truth is, I love working for him. Why? Because he lets me experiment. ^^

A while back, Lone commissioned another artist to do a drawing of his character Angelina for him, and while the piece was very detailed and imaginative, the artist missed the mark on Lone's original vision for the character. Lone wanted Angelina to be a representation of plain beauty, a creature that humans can easily relate to while still maintaining an exotic aura. Based on that model, I asked him if he'd let me draw her as part of my end of the exchange for him renewing my subscription. He said he was good with it. ^^

So I got Adaavia out of the way first (and I did some experimenting on her, too... non-anime eyes really are the way to go for Adaavia), and waited until summer to start work on Angelina. I could already tell the piece was going to be awesome as soon as I finished the lineart. *hugs her Bamboo Fun* I took my time on it and got very picky with my line thicknesses, and while there are still some squiggles, I think it looks much more refined than any work I've ever done. I also got pickier with my highlights. I was about to upload the drawing without the sparkles in the clouds and the glow trailing behind her body, but at the last minute, I decided to go back and add some shiny. And what a difference it made. ^^ I think I can count this as one of those pivotal drawings that acts as a stepping stone to more advanced work in the future.

Here's hoping y'all enjoy looking at this drawing as much as I enjoyed working on it.

Angelina is (C) :iconlonestranger:

EDIT: Fixed arm and wing proportions, strengthened wing shadows.
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1034x1005px 1 MB
© 2009 - 2025 AzaleaCloud
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