Snowscheme 2009 Part 1ayarane on DeviantArt

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Snowscheme 2009 Part 1



Thanksgiving is OVER. Know what that means? Snowschemes, dood!

For the newbies: Snowschemes are Christmas-themed arts set (almost always) in the Ragnarok TWILIGHT universe, but don't have any actual connection to its main story. They're more or less snapshots of the weirdness that ensues during the holidays.

This year we open with Deeum and Chelsea going shopping, and Deeum trots around her Garm Puppy (as in, not a Baby Garm but not quite fully-grown either... you dog owners are probably aware of that "ugly teenager" phase of dog development).

And Chelsea gets to carry the loot. Oof!

(Conveniently formatted for... almost-effortless usage as wallpaper if you are so inclined.)
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1000x767px 269.85 KB
© 2009 - 2025 ayarane
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Kietrinia's avatar
I like how she's doing the overcompensating march the whole way...or is she about to teeter backwards?