Lets RideAyameExGoddess on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ayameexgoddess/art/Lets-Ride-79138089AyameExGoddess

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AyameExGoddess's avatar

Lets Ride



This has been awhile in the making. The concept came to me a few weeks ago, and I just fell in love with it. I probably could have finished this a lot sooner were I not going to school and also if I were less inclined to be so picky about it. I'm not going to lie, I really like this one.

It just, brings to light what I enjoy about Newscast, and I think it captures the various personalities well. The studio in the back also came out really good, I think.

*Note* I am thinking of offering this as a print. Maybe if I get enough requests I will. But I can't imagine THAT happening.

As usual all of these characters hail from my webcomic Newscast! give it a read won't we?
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1112x1500px 908.79 KB
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Rudedude55's avatar
this picture is extremely epic with 'the final countdown' playing