Neil Gaiman Presents 'A Calendar of Tales'

14 min read

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Ayame-Kenoshi's avatar
Neil Gaiman
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Neil Gaiman asked fans around the world to help him tell a new kind of story. A few weeks, thousands of Tweets, twelve stories and a galaxy of art later, 'A Calendar of Tales' was born.

It's now ready for the world to see as a beautiful digital book. Have a look, see who contributed, or watch Neil's videos to find out more about the making of 'A Calendar of Tales.'

A huge thank you is due to everyone who took part in this project. Your energy and imagination inspired Neil, and now, can inspire the world.

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To celebrate the completion of 'A Calendar of Tales,' we're introducing a brand new Profile Page badge. Immerse yourself in a magical world of whimsical stories and beautiful artwork by clicking the button below, and express your love for the tales with the exclusive 'A Calendar of Tales' badge!

This competition is now closed.

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