Soft sunshine kissesAxlVohx on DeviantArt

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Soft sunshine kisses



Monthly Prompt
Sunlight slants through newly awakened leaves, dappling the forest floor in a mosaic of light and shadow. The air hums with the soft buzz of returning bees and the joyful chirps of birdsong. Familiars, blinking sleep from their eyes, emerge from their winter dens, drawn by the promise of warmer days and the sweet scent of blooming blossoms. Draw or write about your vayron partaking in some sort of springtime activity, whether it be berry picking, weaving flower crowns for themselves and friends, familiar watching, hosting a picnic, painting the brightening landscape, or something else! Let’s enjoy the warming weather!

With A06: Streamer & Niabi 463; enjoying a good sunbath under the spring sunshine ♥

Image size
1150x801px 792.8 KB
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