I'm a freelance 3d artist. Thanks for checking me out.
If you have any questions, comments, commissions, licensing questions, or need permission info, feel free to email me at
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter for the latest info, work in progress shots, and all sorts of things that don't really fit here.
For those that are curious, I use Blender to create my work. It's a free, 3d software suite. Though admittedly you can do just about anything I do with any of the major 3d platforms. So don't think I'm some overzealous fanboy of any of them. I just use what I know, and you should use what you know.
I use Substance Painter for in-depth texture work (objects that are the focal point, or subject), and Cloudspinner's Gaea for landscapes. If you have any further questions about how I make my art, or need 3d help with your own art, please feel free to ask in the comments or send me an email or DM. I'd be happy to help.
I Give The Llama Badges
Rad! Thanks!
Hello. Your art Is amazing
Hi there! Thanks a ton!
Happy birthday!!!
Thanks! 😁