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Axertion's avatar

Metal Mesh Patterns - Pack 1

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:bulletred: [UPDATE - APRIL 2011] :bulletred:

Due to popular demand I have updated this pattern package with the complete set of flattened, tileable PNG images. You can use these with various programs such as GIMP, or even embed them in your websites for background use!

Here is a highly requested set of patterns. Now you can't say you don't have any good metal mesh patterns :giggle:

I use these in my interfaces ect. I made them using Photoshop, some images and a few styles. All styles tile together seamlessly :)

Enjoy, and don't hurt yourself :ohnoes:

-14 patterns total!


You may use this package under the terms that you do not claim as your
own, resdistribute, repack or reupload anywhere else!

I will allow this pack to be use for any project including commercial &
private work.

Please :+fav: if you download or use, and I'll make more packs.
Over 100 +favs. Thanks guys :)
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RD500YPVS's avatar

Great work, very well done! 👌