Skyrim Rainmeter Suite v2Axerron on DeviantArt

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Skyrim Rainmeter Suite v2

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Version 2.0 of Skyrim Rainmeter Skin Suite


4 new skins, new variations of old skins, fixed bugs and more user friendly customization. Full changelog in the attached Read Me file.

Changes and additions were based mainly on the huge amount of feedback I got from you guys. Thank you for it :dalove:


Skyrim Rainmeter Suite v2 contains 12 separate skins, some of them in multiple variations.

:bulletblack: Battery life bar (customizable color)
:bulletblack: 2 Clock skins in format H:M:S
:bulletblack: 3 CPU utilization bars (customizable color)
:bulletblack: 4 Day of month, year and day of week indicators (with Tamrielic names)
:bulletblack: 3 separate HDD skins (customizable color)
:bulletblack: Horizontal sidebar
:bulletblack: Launcher with 10 premade buttons
:bulletblack: Music player controller, compact and large ver.
:bulletblack: 3 Physical memory skins (customizable color)
:bulletblack: Shutdown, Sleep & Restart buttons
:bulletblack: PC running time indicator
:bulletblack: Vertical sidebar

Everything was coded by me from scratch, graphics are either by me or were reworked from an in-game screenshot.

Thanks to :iconrealironfist: for making Tamrielic names modification :thanks:

You can grab a lot of awesome HiRes screenshots/wallpapers like the one I used for background from DeadEnd Thrills [link]

Unless there are some major problems or issues found, version 2.0 is final. I'm not going to make any more skins for this suite. You are welcome to make more skins yourself, but I would appreciate that you credit me, if you use part of my skin, distribute it somewhere else or expand/modify any skin, and let me know about your final result. Thanks :w00t:


Please, read the READ_ME_FIRST.txt file before asking any questions.
I will do my best to help you in any way possible but a lot of problems can be solved just by following the instructions in the Read Me file.

Instruction how to add more buttons to the Launcher are also in the Read_Me !

Hopefully, all major bugs have been removed. If you find any, please let me know in the comments. I will try to address them ASAP.

Enjoy and if you like this suite, let me know! :eager:


Get newest version of Rainmeter here [link]

The Elder Scrolls and Skyrim are an intellectual property of Bethesda Game Studios and ZeniMax Media Inc.
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some guy -

You can get the WebNowPlaying plugin and use that instead of the NowPlaying  plugin that the player uses, to do this right clicking on the .ini file of the skyrim music large or compact and clicking edit, then change all the Plugin=NowPlaying.dll to Plugin=WebNowPlaying.dll

the WebNowPlaying plugin seams to work the same as the NowPlaying plugin and works with all elements and no other changes are needed to the .ini file