I don't know what's really causing it, but alot of images in my gallery/scrapbook look weird. Or rather, they suddenly have a black background what used to be transparent.
This is only an issue with the resized/preview image! clicking on it for a re-size or using the download button will still provide you with the original uncorrupted image!
I can fix it by re-uploading the picture (as the preview/resize image is resetting), but it keeps on happening and seriously ALOT of images (especially in my scrapbook) seem to do this. So I'm waiting on an update as to how/why it is happening before I go 'fix' things. I'd understand if it happend to everything (would be a preview/jpeg related issue known for websites), but it only happens to certain deviations... We'll see what support says about it.
*edit*(apparently, they think this: support.deviantart.com/entries… accurately describes my issue. I can see it being the same issue, but it encompasses much more than grey rectangles and nothing at all... Faulty descriptions ftl. -Then again, we ARE talking about a help desk service, C.-)
Example of the issue: axemgr.deviantart.com/art/Spik… (but there are many, many more )
Chuck out.
*In short, don't send me notes about it
ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Sinterklaas Kapoentje...
-English explanation below-
Zoals beloofd wou ik nog iets leuks voor Sinterklaas uploaden dit jaar (vergelijkbaar met: http://fav.me/d4hah1n) en dat gaat ook zeker nog gebeuren, maar helaas niet op tijd voor Sinterklaas. Ik zit namelijk een beetje met een deadline voor de Universiteit en dat krijgt even voorrang. Daarom alleen even dit, om te bewijzen dat ik het niet helemaal vergeten ben ^^;.
Toch wil ik even iedereen die Sinterklaas viert een heel leuk sinterklaasfeest wensen. Ik hoop dat je niet vergeten bent je 'schoen' te zetten! ;)
For the non-Dutch speakers: The 5th of December is Sinterklaas, for which I was trying to crea
A big thanks...
~To everyone that sent a birthday wish via comment, e-mail, text message or birthday card!
Even tho I have tried to thank everyone for it 'personally', I may have skipped someone by accident and if that's the case, this message is for you (and everyone else ;))!
Anyway, It is all really appreciated and I had a great birthday/weekend because of it!
However, special thanks should be given to OsakaOji (https://www.deviantart.com/osakaoji) for making me some funny birthday art:
Thanks again!
And with that, I shall jump right back into the exams week...
So, that was also the reason I had to get back to some notes after this weekend, because I was just too
Back from semi-unannounced hiatus.
It's been a full month since I have visited dA and many other forums/social websites. And now I'm back. (Huzzah! The fun has be~ *censored*)
Mostly because Br0ny (https://www.deviantart.com/br0ny) both decided we should both be more active on dA again, and because my nephew framafoto (https://www.deviantart.com/framafoto) has also joined dA recently as a hobbyist photographer. And because the message centre has filled up to the point I desperately removed all messages except the comment reply section... (whoops?)
In the meantime October has crept up on me like a thief in the night, startling me into finding that time goes by fast if you don't pay any attention to it, it really does.
So anyway, uploads
Excuses Excuses...
Q: Why am I not posting new stuff / replying to feedback?
~A: GuildWars 2, that is all.. ~dinkyawesomeplz (https://www.deviantart.com/dinkyawesomeplz)
But I'll make some time soon. My apologies if any important stuff has remained unanswered. Besides, College is starting September 3rd, so I'm sure to have time then ;).
** Edit september 12th: Add to that a two week feverish cold that has kept me in bed, missing all classes and not allowing me to do anything meaningful. Sucks.
© 2011 - 2024 AxemGR
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Tested it in 2 browsers and I see your point. I guess something went wrong when dA created a resized preview. I also remember the deviations affected by this being ok a while back. Strange...