Origami Hydralisk Instructionsaxcho on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/axcho/art/Origami-Hydralisk-Instructions-42146934axcho

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Origami Hydralisk Instructions



I've finally finished the fancy photo instructions! :XD: Please take a look at them, they are much better and easier to follow: [link]

Full view for the instructions.

These are the instructions for how to make an origami Hydralisk, a creature from the computer game StarCraft. Out of all the origami Hydralisk models I've seen on the web, I think this is one of the best, in terms of accuracy and simplicity.

There are about 30 or 40 steps, depending on how you count them. Foil paper is recommended to make it easier to shape, but it's not necessary. And course you start with a square piece of thin paper, white side up.

I originally designed the model in 2003, and I finished drawing these instructions in the summer of 2006. They're kind of messy, but they work. I might make a vector version on the computer sometime if enough people want it though.

These were drawn in pencil and then scanned. I added color in Paint because the shading didn't carry over too well in the scanned version.

Feel free to print out and distribute these instructions. Just make sure I am credited as the author. Enjoy!
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© 2006 - 2025 axcho
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KibaArtist's avatar
Though you lost me at some parts my final product wasn't to shabby