...Hot mess...Ax25 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ax25/art/Hot-mess-648900356Ax25

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...Hot mess...



Some random doodles happened when I wa listening to songs about breakups and stuff. And now I don't know whether she got dumped or she dumped somebody but damn, Night is a state. :O

Art & Night(c) Ax25me :blackrose: 
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2480x3508px 2.11 MB
© 2016 - 2025 Ax25
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Speedslide's avatar
Night is unable to be any other kind of mess. But I'll be damned if you don't still manage to infuse her with emotion beneath the make-up. She always looks glamorous... But her emotions are always genuine. If there's one thing I've never commented upon with your work, it's that your character expressions are always spot on in that regard.

Virtus: *Looks up at Night, and is as always, stunned by her beauty as she strides over in her nightwear. But once he sees her face, he snaps out of his lovesick state and looks concerned. He looks at her for a few seconds before he carefully breaks the silence. "If you don't want to talk about it, it's fine. But know that I'll be here to listen if you feel the need for it."

Before I forget... Happy holidays, Ax! :D