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Ravenflight ACEO



:star: Gift ACEO card for :iconparrotsnpineapple: :star:

Some days ago I wrote a journal about sending me characters and I will make some sketches of them. Well I made some sketches of OCs but then I decided to make ACEO cards. :giggle:
So here is the first one of Ravenflight who is Kate's lovely deer character. :) I hove couple of other ACEOs sketched so beware!
I hope you like it, Kate. Maybe I messed up her scars (are those scars? ^^; ) a little. It's my first trying drawing a deer and peacock feathers. :lol: And sorry my scanner ate the colours. I tried to fix it with PS but no use as you see. -.-"

Materials: watercolours, black ink, watercolour pencils, Denwer coloured pencils, white tempera

Ravenflight belongs to =parrotsnpineapple
Made by me

:bulletred: I so would like to improve my traditional art techniques so critiques are welcomed! Please be gentle, I don't need rude critiques,only nice helping ones! ;)
Image size
403x542px 267.03 KB
© 2011 - 2024 AutumnPendullum
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parrotsnpineapple's avatar
Yes. Those are scars

This is so beautiful susssssaannnn. The highlights are lovely and I love Raveys little smirk there.

I DONT HAVE MANY OTHER WORDS. But sdkjfsdjkhfksjff :heart:
Thankyou for choosing Ravey C:
I love it :glomp: