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Happy Birthday, Synfull



It's not much...but it's the thought that counts, right? *flails* She deserves so much more for all she's done for the emote community, and is still doing. ^^; Go give Synfull some birthday luff!

Happy birthday, `Synfull! :glomp:

Thought I'd post it now, since I have just about an hour before I leave for finals and I'll be busy all weekend... >>; Plus the way I understand it, Synfull won't be on much this weekend either. So might as well give it now, right? :la:

...I'm so sorry the tard took a bite out of your cake. :noes:

Syn base used --> [link]

rest of emote (c) ~AutumnOwl
Image size
54x32px 1.98 KB
© 2009 - 2024 AutumnOwl
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