Favourite Visual Artist
...all the people in IL&M :D
Favourite Movies
Iron Man, Taken, The Avengers, Sherlock Holmes
Favourite TV Shows
Friends, Futurama
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Within Temptation, The Rasmus, Elliot Minor, E.S. Posthumus, Two Steps from Hell, Epic Score
Favourite Books
No books=Save the rainforests xD -> *.pdf FTW!!!!! lol
Favourite Writers
Myself, when I do have an unfailing source of inspiration...
Favourite Games
Fahrenheit, Advent Rising, Outcast
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, the rest are just waste of silica...
Tools of the Trade
3Ds Max, Photoshop, Mudbox, Premiere, Lightroom
Other Interests
Video Games Design & Development, Scriptwriting, Screenplay, Swordfighting