Autobot MTMTE Template PSDAutobot-Windracer on DeviantArt

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Autobot MTMTE Template PSD



Okay people, here's my first Photoshop preset type thingamajig.

This is an AUTOBOT-Based More Than Meets The Eye template, made from scratch (color fills, textures, noise, fonts, the whole works.) for those that wish to do their own.

-The ORIGINAL Resolution of this pic is huge, 965 x 1508. It's done this way so no one goes blind working in tiny details. When you're done, I recommend resizing this around 60 or 70% so you're not spending two hours loading a giant piece to DA.

-Also, if you have artwork that ends up way too small for the full sized PSD, Don't free transform your TF images to make them larger! This makes 'em blurry and hard to look at! Try resizing the PSD to a smaller percentage first, then re-pasting your TF images onto the page! (I hope that's easy to follow...)

NOTE: For this thing to work, you need SEVERAL FONTS ON YOUR COMPUTER.

-For the Name Input, Function Input, Bio, Weapons/Abilities, Weaknesses, and Alt Mode Name TITLE Boxes:Swiss911 XCm BT
-For the Bio, Weapons/Abilities, and Weaknesses TEXT INPUT Boxes: (That is, where you enter your character's description) you need Veranda
-For the Quotation Text Box: You need BankGothic Md BT
Most Computers have these from the getgo, however, so this shouldn't be a problem.

-The Multiple Layers may be confusing, I know. I tried to organize the ones where you INPUT your OWN text on top, while the ones that stay the same down on the bottom.

-The only reason I didn't merge the red "Bio", "Weapons/Abilities", and "Weaknesses" Titles with the background is so you can move them around if you want.

-As for the areas where you input your own writing - I finally figured out how to use TEXT BOXES!!!! Now You may have to manually move and resize these to your own desires should they be too big or wide or whatever - I'm sure you guys can handle that.

Any other questions (if my insane rambling was too hard to understand, for example...), please leave 'em in a comment.

I hope this comes in handy for anyone making their own MTMTE profiles (imma totally revamp mine; take this thing fer a test drive! ^^). If you guys ever make any profiles (e.g; if it WORKS...) send me the links to your finished pics! I'd love to see them!

Transformers More Than Meets The Eye Pages - Dreamwave, Hasbro
Template - *Autobot-Windracer
Image size
965x1508px 4.59 MB
© 2007 - 2025 Autobot-Windracer
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TheCosplayerMoka's avatar
Can you do the Medical profile Template? For Autobots and Decepticons?