Valcia - Regional Fantasy MapAuthsauce on DeviantArt

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Valcia - Regional Fantasy Map



The Map of Valcia

This is a map I've created for a novel series currently being worked on. I am a graphic design hobbyist, but this is my first attempt at a fantasy map.

The map, and story attributed to it, started out as a custom D&D campaign years ago. I kept working on the story and map afterwards, and it eventually evolved into this current piece.

Map Details:

This map took me ~20 days to create in Illustrator and Photoshop, working everyday anywhere from 4-10 hours/day. The entire map was originally sketched out with pencil & paper and scanned onto my PC some time ago, but it wasn't until recently that I decided to go all out with it.

I started by tracing over the sketch in Illustrator and 'hand-drew' (pencil tool & brush effects) all the lines, outlines, and details - rivers, lakes coastlines, islands, forest, and yes - even the mountains (very tedious). Once I completed all the outlines in Illustrator, I ported the data over to Photoshop to fill in the color and visual effects, and added in all the labels.

Every detail in the map is unique - meaning that every river, forest, lake, mountain, etc was individually drawn in and detailed. Also, every element in the map is original content created specifically for the map (IE no generic elements were used, such as symbols, trees, towns, etc) except for the fonts, of course.

The black font labeling geographic features is called 'Alladin' and the lighter font labeling cities and kingdoms is called 'Aniron'.


- TheValcian
Image size
2400x1800px 2.41 MB
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