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AuroraSwirls's avatar

Fluffle Puff: *Pet pet*



So, I've been in a really upbeat mood lately, and I'm pretty sure it's because my 21st birthday is coming up. Another year closer to independence!!!Spaz attack 
And it's legal for me to drink what I want! :giggle:

I've finally been able to use all the neat bases I found!... and procrastinate on school work

I also noticed that :iconmixermike622: has his birthday coming up too!
So, early birthday present!

Another Icon to add to my slap-happy-icon-making mood

Fluffle Puff belongs to: :iconmixermike622: (if that wasn't obvious)  
Base by: :iconyo-angie:
PawScreen base by Yo-Angie

dA stamp : "Done with Gimp 3" size2 by MadeInKobaia


Please Credit Properly by taruto

Image size
50x50px 3.11 KB
© 2015 - 2024 AuroraSwirls
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Moonwatcher46's avatar
Me love fluffle puff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
😁😁😁😁😁🦄🦄🦄❤️ 🙂🙃🌸🎆🎀🎆