AuroraSwirls on DeviantArt

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AuroraSwirls's avatar

Brushie Nebula Icon (fixed)



Saw :icon101pandamaniac101: base: Brushie~Brushie-Base

then saw the original image by :iconbukoya-star:
Colgate - Brushie Brushie

and felt that this needed to exist.

Holy Buttholes! I had to remake the entire gif all over again to fix it! D:
It was a lot of work but I think it came out pretty nice! I made this icon using one of my OCs, you can use it as an emoticon!

As for making it for others: I'm currently not taking requests except for those rare occasions when I reach a certain number of views or watchers. Note me if you would like to discuss a price for an icon commission. 

I might make Mane 6 versions if people like it enough!

If anyone knows of a more effective, free, animation software, please let me know. And thank you!

dA stamp : "Done with Gimp 3" size2 by MadeInKobaia
Image size
50x50px 61.06 KB
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Sally45522's avatar
awww sooo cute awwww