green contrast actionauroille on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

auroille's avatar

green contrast action



:bulletblue: WARNING: This action works best in portraits and pictures similar to the examples. It might be too strong so have the original image handy so if its too strong for your taste slap it on top and adjust the opacity to your preference.

:bulletpink: Credit is required if you use it. Please link back to my page.
:bulletgreen: Comment/note me so I can see it. (:
:bulletpurple: Click Download for the action.
:bulletyellow: In case ye can't tell, left is before - right is after.

My first action! I made a couple of them but they kept messing up because it required duplicating the background layer but it didn't work and meh. :| Created in Photoshop CS2. I'm actually not a fan of actions because I think every photo deserves its own edit - but I wanted to try making one anyway.

Note me if you have any issues. ;D

Stock Pictures
first picture : [link]
second picture : [link]
third picture : [link]
© 2009 - 2025 auroille
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LucidityDesign's avatar
I would like to add your action to my showcase: [link] Is that okay?