Lightning ReturnsAuntyRichie on DeviantArt

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Lightning Returns



The final piece to my little trilogy. Lightning Farron in 'Lightning Returns'.

I decided to give this one the 'Chaos' background as it's a super important part of the game. The checkered background is actually from an older drawing from 2013 (which happens to be yet another Final Fantasy artwork) that I lifted and repurposed for this. It worked seamlessly. I really love how the colours turned out on this one and the overall composition I'm really digging too.

It's bitter sweet, though, as it also marks the end of my XIII trilogy playthrough. As I type this, I'm up to the very last part of Lightning Returns. It's been an absolute blast, though, and my opinion on the XIII series as a whole has skyrocketed from my first initial playthroughs of the games last decade. They may even be some of my tops in the series. Especially XIII itself.

Drawn with HB & 2B pencils and coloured in Photoshop.
Image size
3211x3818px 4.54 MB
MP495 series
© 2021 - 2025 AuntyRichie
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