Tiger Pillowaun61 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/aun61/art/Tiger-Pillow-7370995aun61

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aun61's avatar

Tiger Pillow



It's Calvin & Hobbes fanart : D
In the past, I dont usually drew any American cartoon fanart.
Because almost characters have their special unique depend on the artists. It's not match my anime style and they'll be other ones else.
Anyway, I'd love to try :3

Hobbes looks almost like the original. Calvin is not but I think if he was in the Anime, he should be like this, might be...
You see, I drew it likeed an American comic strips : D

I wish I'd have a double-size tiger like Hobbes. (I meaned he is taller than me as Hobbes is taller than Calvin)
I would hug and sleep in its warmy fluffy fur >_<
I have a little cat. She always run away when I put my head on her stomach... *sigh*

Calvin & Hobbes (c) Bill Watterson
Image size
576x468px 55.23 KB
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musclelionel's avatar
Mmmmm fluffy tiger pillow, who wouldn't like that? I may just have to Join Calvin sleeping on Hobbs' tummy