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Here's a little baby mandrake root to help us all recover from that fan fiction atrocity that was Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. What. a. mess. I'm petrified indeed... Here's hoping that the stage play is somewhat redeeming when I see it in September.
One question though...will one of you go to the 'Blood Ball' with me XD ahh...
Sending <3 to all of you Deviant Art lovelies! I still try to pop in once in a while, and I appreciate your messages so much!
One question though...will one of you go to the 'Blood Ball' with me XD ahh...
Sending <3 to all of you Deviant Art lovelies! I still try to pop in once in a while, and I appreciate your messages so much!
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700x941px 368.47 KB
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